Allied Medical Research Journal

Allied Medical Research Journal

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ISSN (Online): 2958-9592



AMRJ follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and Higher Education Commission (HEC) guidelines/criteria for all types of plagiarism. All the submitted manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism checking through the software Turnitin. Manuscripts with a similarity index of more than 19% are not processed further unless rectified. The plagiarized manuscript that is presented with large copy-pasted data or another’s work without crediting the source is inappropriate and would not be considered for publication in AMRJ. It is the authors' responsibility to apprise themselves of plagiarism in any form including paraphrasing and self-plagiarism. Manuscripts submitted to AMRJ can be sent to HEC, other medical journals' editors, and international agencies for authentication of originality. The disciplinary committee of AMRJ would deal with cases of plagiarism and comprise of the staff, editors, and the Chief Editor or his representative. For a plagiarized article (multiple submissions) in processing, the identification of the act will lead to the dropping of the article from further processing/consideration of publication.

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